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Instructions on application of the vibration massage device " Su Jok "


  1. Purpose

The vibration massage device «Su Jok» (further: «the device») is designed to perform a medical treatment by the method of Su Jok therapy and other methods, using the action of vibrations of certain frequency on biological active points and areas.

It can be used in both medical institutions and at home (after a consultation with a medical specialist).



  1. Technical characteristics

The device is a portable «L»- like apparatus with a vibrating head and two buttons. The device includes the power supply unit with the output voltage of l2V, working from the AC electric socket of 220V. One of the selected nozzles is fixed on the vibration head. The device goes with five replaceable nozzles of various diameters.

Technical characteristics:

-               The working range of alternating current frequencies is 20...50 Hz;

-               The vibration amplitude is fixed; its values vary from 1.5 mm ± 0.5 mm;

-               The AC power is 220V;

-               The power supply unit is 12V;

-               The device goes with five replaceable nozzles of various diameters;

-               The device parameters are 93x77x32.5 mm;

-               The average service life of the device is 2 years;

-               The warranty is valid for 12 months.

  1. Operating principle

The operating principle of the device is based on transformation of electrical power, through the power engine with the help of a specific transformator, into mechanical energy of the vibrating head.

  1. Indications for application

The device is helpful with:

  1. Locomotors disorders (osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis of various joints);
  2. Disorders of the muscular system (myositis, spasms, muscular contractures);
  3. Diseases of the respiratory system at the compensation stage (ARVI, laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonias, CNPD);
  4. Diseases of the cardiovascular system at the compensation stage (IHD, angina pectoris, cardiac rhythm disorders);
  5. Diseases of the gastrointestinal system (gastritis, cholecystitis, GID, gastric and duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis, colitis);
  6. Diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis, pyelonepliritis, urolithiasis);
  7. Post-traumatic and postoperative states.
  1. Contraindications

Neoplasms, injuries and acute states, acute course of locomotor diseases, Raynaud’s syndrome, vibration disease, endarteritis and atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, osteoporosis, thrombophlebitis, lymphostasis, damaged skin, trophic ulcers and decubitus in the exposure area, convulsive syndromes.

  1. Operation

Preparing the device for work:

  • Uncover the device; fix the chosen nozzle on the vibration head. Nozzles are replaced by unscrewing the nozzle on the head and screwing up a new nozzle.
  • Connect the power supply unit with the device, plugging the unit cord into the jack at the lower pan of the device.
  • Plug the power supply unit into the electrical socket. The green light indicator on the unit will signal that the device is connected to AC power.

Turning the device on, selecting the vibration frequency

Press on any of the two buttons on the upper part of the device, hold for 3-5 seconds and release - the head will be accelerating, increasing the vibration frequency. Press once on the first button from the head to fix the gained frequency. Then the head will be vibrating at the selected frequency.

If a higher vibration frequency is required, press the first button again and the frequency will re-start increasing.

The device will gain the maximum frequency within 20 to 30 seconds from the moment of switching (if not interrupted by intermediate frequency fixations).

To decrease the vibration frequency (from the maximum or any intermediate one to lower values) - press once on the second button from the head. Press the second button again to fix the lower frequency, and press it again to restart deceleration.

A brief description of the algorithm of turning the device on and selecting a frequency is given in Table 1.

Table 1

The button

to press


of pressure

First or second I-5 seconds

press out the button - the device will start operating,

frequency will be increasing

First once the selected frequency will be fixed
First once frequency will be increasing further
First once the   higher frequency is fixed
First once

vibration frequency will be increasing up to the

maximum and then it will be retained

second once frequency will be decreasing
second once The decreased frequency is fixed
second once frequency will be decreasing further
second once the lower frequency is fixed
second once

vibration frequency will be decreasing up to the

minimum and then it will be retained

Turning the device off

To turn the device off at any vibration frequency - press on any of the two buttons (either the first or the second), hold the pressure for 3-5 seconds and then release. The device will stop vibrating.

If you will not be using the device soon, unplug the power supply unit from the AC power — the green-light of the indicator shall go out.

if you will be using the device soon, you can leave the power supply unit plugged into the AC socket.

Operation specificity

  • The recommended hand position for the device (comfortable hold) is shown in Fig. 1.
  • The device is powerful enough to vibrate at the chosen frequency with the required force of impact for an effective action on the selected point or area.
  • Therefore, no great effort is needed to press the nozzle on the point, since in such a case the vibration frequency can decrease sharply until the device stops operating. This can lead to its damage.
  • The normal work of the device implies a slight deceleration of the vibration frequency obtained at its idle (no-load) run. This ensures a break-free long-term operation of the device.
  • Besides, when replacing the nozzles one should take into consideration that the greater the diameter of the nozzle is, the lesser the impact force will be during vibration, since a larger area is exposed to the nozzle.
  • Do not use the device without a nozzle.
  • The noise of the working device complies with the sanitary norms of admissible noise produced by medical equipment inside medical institutions. The noise is a normal indicator of the operating mode of the device.
  • The device has the average service life of 2 years provided it does not work more than 1 hour during a working day, which implies a daily treatment of 4-5 patients by the physician (duration of a vibrotherapeutic manipulation from 12 to 15 minutes/patient).
  • If more vibrotherapeutic sessions are needed, it would be expedient to purchase one or two more devices.
  • Besides, it is noteworthy that long-time work with the device (holding the working device with the hand) might cause vibration-induced unpleasant sensations. To avoid this factor it is recommended:
  • To change hands (put the device from one hand into the other

to invite the patient to perform vibration massage under the supervision of the physician and after preliminary instructions;

to limit the duration of working with the device.

  1. Basic principles of therapeutic action

The device is designed for vibration therapy. Vibration therapy is a curative action of mechanic energy obtained by a direct contact of the vibrator with affected tissues.

Onnuri Su Jok therapy is a method of curative action through the correspondence systems of the hands, feet and fingers (toes) that have similarity to the human body, which permits to select the most effective points in each particular case without having to remember the location of correspondence areas.

Points for treatment by the device are selected according to the method recommendations. If the points have been found correctly, the procedure results in improvement of the patient’s condition: decrease or disappearance of pains, sensation of warmth in the affected area, muscular relaxation, vascular dilation, improvement of trophicity of the tissues. Alleviation obtained in the affected area is accompanied by the correspondence point becoming less sensitive.

The exposure time is determined by the character and severity of the disease. In each particular case it should be selected individually. The main criterion for cessation of the stimulation is absence of marked tenderness when pressing on the correspondence point.

An important feature of Oonuri Su Jok therapy is safety of action. Undesirable complications of a therapeutic manipulation can result from inadequate force of stimulation. Therefore, a possible super sensitivity of some patients to pain should be taken into account, and for prevention of a negative reaction the best suitable frequency and force of vibration massage should be selected according to the patient’s general state and local sensations in the stimulation area. The vibrating nozzle should touch the skin without strong pressure.

Depending on the shape and sizes of a nozzle the device can be used to act on smaller (point- like) or larger correspondence areas.

Variants of replaceable nozzles are presented in Table 2.

Table 2.

table 2



Massage is performed in two ways. First, stable massage. The vibrating nozzle is fixed on a certain stem site, which is stimulated for 30 to 60 seconds, then the next area is acted on. Second, labile massage. The physician or the patient make circular, linear or spiral-like movements, covering large areas.

In acute diseases or states that are accompanied by marked pain, the procedures are recommended very day. In chronic and sub acute diseases, manipulations should be made on alternate days. Irrespective of tire massage type, the duration of action on one area should not exceed 1-2 minutes, and the overall duration of the procedure — 12-15 minutes. The course of treatment consists of 10-12 procedures. If required, a repeat course of vibrotherapy is administered 2 to 3 months later.

In addition, the device can be used for massaging many other body points (on the back, neck, face, ear, etc.) by common methods of treatment.


Su Jok Academy 2004

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Email: subal@subal.ru